Linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk
Ready for a 3 day weekend? That is a Big High 5!!!
*This has been THE very best start to a new school year in the 13 years I have been working for the school district. Honestly - the difference? PRAYER - exactly! Starting the day with bible study - and prayer - our church praying for all of our staff - our Women's Ministry praying for our schools - that IS the difference.
*I am all signed up for the Fall Women's Retreat for October - should be a blast.
*I am also signed up for a 3 day conference - which is adjacent to an outlet mall - in which I plan to do some fun shopping - also in October.
*Skyped with my little Tucker Boo - he just gets cuter every day.
*Brad and I took the aquarium back to my office at school and set it up. It looks so good and I am happy to have it back where it belongs.
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