Friday, November 16, 2012

High 5 for Friday

Photobucket High 5 for Friday and Thanksgiving Break - here I come!

Linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk

*I won the Chili Cook Off at work this week! This was our first annual event - and I had a lot of fun.

*We decorated the church for Christmas which was a lot of fun. It looks beautiful.

*Today is the last working day for 9 full days - thanks to a little holiday called Thanksgiving!

*I bought a blingy keyboard and mouse for my home computer - I love it!

*I ordered a new Vera Bradley purse, e-reader cover and contact lens case all in Happy Snail pattern (to match my wallet and checkbook cover) I am actually going to use the case for my ear buds - ha!


  1. Holy cow! I love your computer bling! That's fabulous! Enjoy your time off from work! I'm super jealous - this year we are only off Thursday and Friday as opposed to last year when we got the whole week off.

  2. A blingy keyboard?? I am in love!!

    Congrats on winning the chili cookout!

  3. Cute idea for the earbuds!


  4. LOVE your bling and congrats on the chili cook-off! You are a lady of MANY talents!

  5. LOVE your bling and congrats on the chili cook-off! You are a lady of MANY talents!

  6. Congrats on winning! I can't wait to make some myself. Still trying to find a good recipe/maybe one I can make vegetarian for the boy.


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