Friday, January 11, 2013

High 5 For Friday

Happy Friday, Ya'll

Could I be any happier?

Why does the first week after coming back from any vacation seem like an eternity? Well, none the less - WE MADE IT TO ANOTHER FRIDAY~!

Linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk

Here are my highlights of the week:

1. Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches! Chocolate Mint to be exact...YUMMO - only 150 calories and full of G O O D N E S S!! Strawberry is good, too! I bet they all are!!

2. The study of Proverbs - I am really enjoying it and getting a lot wiser - since Proverbs is basically the wise vs. the foolish.

3. I am loving my new iPad 4. I now know how to blog using it - by downloading the Blogger App = but still like my laptop better for blogging purposes.

4. Ladies Smoothie Breakfast Saturday - I am taking mangoes! mmmmmmmm

5. Hour and a half phone conversation with my son. I love our phone calls.

And that's all she wrote.

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