In the meantime, I am going to enjoy my Thursday, if that's OK and I do believe it is!
It's Ok - that I got a brand new HUGE printer at work and I have NO CLUE how to even turn it on yet - ha! but today I better learn! Report cards are next week!
It's Ok - that we had to miss church last night because Brad had a work dinner that we were encouraged to attend - it was actually fun - excellent food, good company and it was just nice to meet some of the spouses and put names to faces that Brad talks about.
It's Ok - that I have gone from 8 fish tanks down to 2 and don't be surprised if I am down to ONE in a week or so. It has been a year and a half
It's Ok- that the treadmill that we moved into the spare bedroom is gathering just about as much dust as it was sitting in the garage. We have yet to step on to it - I guess we have to work our way up to it.
It's Ok - that I bought yet another "favorite" coffee cup. I don't know what it is about really cute cute cute coffee cups - I can not seem to pass them up! How cute are these?
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