Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
It's Ok...

That I wore a pair of leggings to work this week with lint ALL over them. I thought when I got to work I would just take some packing tape and get it all off - but nope, it wouldn't budge. 

That I was lured to the library under false pretenses - I got Support Staff of the Year! It was so funny - I got a call that I needed to bring a cart to the library for the faculty meeting - and it was just to get me to be there for the surprise! 

That I am still wearing corduroy even though the temps are above 60 degrees today. It isn't spring yet! I am ready for Spring, but I am not ready to put up my boots and warm clothing.

That I skipped out on a pedicure but I did get a manicure this week. 

That I had 2 appointments booked this week that I had been putting off. My Mammogram (3 months overdue) and a dermatology appointment I was trying to avoid - but had to give in to it. I am glad I did! Feels so good to have those out of the way!

Hope you are having a marvelously blessed Thursday!

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