This is one of those weeks that I am in NO hurry for Friday to get here. Tomorrow I go in first thing in the morning to have a skin cancer excised so I am not looking forward to that!
However, it is coming regardless - and it's going to be OK....but for today - Thursday - I am happy to report what is OK in my world.
It's Ok that I got a little ebay happy this week and bought 2 pairs of Yellow Box shoes and aVera Bradley purse. I was in the mood, I guess.
It's Ok that the Vera Bradley purse I bought is just a wee bit too small (OK WAY TOO SMALL) so I will be giving it to my middle granddaughter, Brooklyn - who is a huge VB fan like her Grammie. I am thinking I will use it for her Easter candy this year.
It's Ok that I sold my 55 gallon fish tank and stand for $50 less than I really wanted - I still sold it for more than I paid for it. :-)
It's Ok that I messed up the DVR recording for American Idol this week - I am not too bummed over it. I am still not too invested in it.
It's Ok that I watched all the Duck Dynasty reruns AGAIN while waiting for the new season to start. Love that show...good people!
It's Ok that I am taking the whole day off tomorrow even though my procedure is at 9:30. I am pretty sure I am going to want to go home and put my pjs on and sit in my recliner in front of the TV all day with my iPad in my hands.
Happy Thursday, Pamela...I love Vera, too! My daughter bought me a really nice wristlet for Christmas that I use all the time. Your pink bag is so pretty, makes me think spring!
This is probably the 2nd time I have bought Vera Bradley on ebay without checking measurements first and they end up too small. My loss is my granddaughter's gain. She is always happy when that happens.