Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Question Friday~~

1. What were you scared of as a kid?
I think my biggest fear as a kid was losing one of my parents - and I have grown up with that fear but have just expanded it to my husband, kids and grandbabies.

2. Do you sleep well in a hotel? Most of the time - I kind of enjoy hotels - it gets me out of my OCD comfort zone of not making the bed and having to have everything in its place.

3. If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who and why? That is a hard one - I always said Princess Diana - I would love to have lunch with her (or tea) but then again - it would be fun to meet the cast of Young & Restless and I am not sure which one I would like to meet the most.

4. It's a hot summer day. Do you prefer to be pool side or at the beach? Pool side - MY pool side.

5. What is your favorite summer dish? ice cream - I love ice cream year round - but especially so in the summer time. Also - pretty much anything grilled - shrimp, chicken - corn on the cob - I love it.

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