Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend Update - Link Party

Linking up with

This weekend was bittersweet. Friday we headed back to Arkansas to take the girls and my mom back home after their 2 week stay with us. 500 miles crammed in the back seat is the not so fun part. I miss them already.  It will be at least 3 months before I see them again, most likely. :-(
We stayed Friday night at my parent's house and my son, daughter in law and oldest granddaughter came over to eat and pick up the 2 girls.

Saturday morning we got up early and headed to my daughter's house to spend the day and night. I sure missed them all and was so glad to spend a little time with them. We went out to eat and just hung out. My little grandson, Tucker, is such a little character. Sunday morning we were back on the road to head back home to Texas. It was a tiring trip - even though my husband did ALL of the driving - it still wears a body out.

My house is so quiet now....:-(


  1. And we miss you! I wish you could have stayed longer!!

  2. awe, sorry you had to take them home. im sure that must be hard.

    hope you have a great monday.


  3. It sounds like you had such a nice weekend! I love visiting with family, but I do always miss them so much afterwards!

  4. Aw that's no good. Sorry you have to be away from them for so long :(

    Thanks for linking up with us :)


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