Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Ok Thursday!

Its Ok Thursdays
I am not so sure I like how fast these weeks are passing! In fact, I know I don't, but It's Ok, Thursday - whether I like it or not and that is Ok, I guess.

It's Ok to have clothes in my closet that I will probably never be able to wear again but can't bare to part with yet.

It's Ok to be so excited about being able to wear my suede or leather boots soon! Come on official Fall!
It's Ok to want to spend my whole lunch hour at Hobby Lobby - even though I know that I will end up having to rush back to work because I end up staying too long.

It's Ok that I am really kinda bored with Facebook and Twitter - they have really lost their appeal right now.

It's Ok that I just want to roll my eyes when I read about 75% of what I read on FB AND Twitter. (and I probably do roll my eyes at at least 50% - ha!)


  1. I totally feel ya on the closet thing! I have so many clothes, but I always think "wait, I can't get rid of that...what if I need it [insert event that'll probably never happen here]".

    Found you via the link-up! Glad I stopped by!

  2. I'm sick of Facebook time. All the time I think I just need to delete FB!

  3. I love hobby lobby! So awesome, and I can't wait for fall!

  4. I'm with you on the FB thing. At first, it was how I stayed in contact with my family. But now, I only open it to check/send messages. I don't even look to see what people are posting because it takes too long to wade through it all. Actually, I did log in this morning and read an argument about 3 pages long...over parenting. So yeah, I'm rolling my eyes too....and that's ok, lol.

  5. Soooo with you on Twitter, FB! I have thought a million times about deleting accounts. But FB is basically my 5th childs baby book. Whoops. Anyway, do with this information as you will, but i am nominating you for the Sunshine Award! Deets on my blog, IF you are interested:)

  6. This is great - so I'm not too weird to feel the same way? :) Stopping by from the Monday Mingle link party! Glad I found your site!


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