Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
Well, the day is almost over and I almost forgot It's Ok Thursday - but that is OK, right? I mean, what's the point if it's NOT OK, OK? O.K.

So...I am linking up HERE

It's OK that I also forgot "What I Wore: Wednesday" - have mercy - where are my brain cells this week?

It's OK that I missed a full days work to go to the dentist this morning that ended up being 9 a.m.

It's OK that I am 52 years old and I have a WISDOM TOOTH coming in, people! Can you believe it???

It's OK that I am so weirded out by these guys - inflatable wavers, I think they are called - I don't know what it is but they give me the CREEPS! Anybody else?

It's OK that I am so ready for this week to be over and the next because I can not wait to go to the Skyward Conference for my work AND then the Women's Fall Retreat - woohooo back to back -a whole week! Can't wait!! TWO Outlet Malls - lots of shopping in between all that fun. 

...and it is officially Fall Ya'll! and that is more than OK!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Consider yourself followed ;) the big flappy things are annoying! They are distracting to drivers, like they need anymore distractions,

  2. Ughhhh to wisdom teeth! Was it one that had never grown in? I got 3 out because the 4th was non existent. Now you are scaring me.
    Have a good weekend!


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