Sunday, August 25, 2013

Social Sunday

Social Sunday - Fun Questions!

1. What do you miss most about being a kid?
I miss the days when my family all went camping together. Those were fun times. My dad built our camping trailer and it was pretty awesome.

2. Did you have a nickname growing up? Not really - I was called a few names that I wouldn't consider nicknames - . What was it? My dad called me Olive Oyl because I was so skinny - which I hated. 

3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess? Swings!

4. What did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a nurse - then when I was a senior in high school and went to the career center for nursing for half the day - I found out I would not make a good nurse!

5. Did you participate in any school activities? FHA - which I loved - cheerleader - which was fun. Choir - in junior high. Fine Arts Club in high school.

6. What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about? I asked my dad one time what was the best way to clean my glasses and he told me to put butter on them, which I did - and by the time I used every cleaner in the house - they were sure clean! I still hear that story at least once a year!


  1. Stopping over from Sunday Social :) I wanted to be a vet for awhile in middle school so I decided to spend the day shadowing a vet in my town. I ended up passing out after seeing a cat with like a seriously small scratch but it was all too much for me. Everyone there ended up taking more care of me than the pets! And that is how I also knew I would make a horrible vet!

    1. My problem was with needles - I couldn't even give an orange a\

      thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I have good memories of camping with my family during the summer time. It was so nice to relax and play card games all day back then as opposed to now with all of the technology that we have these days.

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!

    Suzy @ happy Wife, happy Life

    1. Isn't that the truth...we made trails, swam, rode bikes - way before the iphone or texting was even dreamed of.

  3. Wasn't this a FUN link-up this week?! LOVED being able to think back on my childhood and read on others, too - I was the same way with the career choice ;) I thought I wanted to be in the medical field until I was put face to face with the needles, and then I was DONE! haha!


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