Friday, May 11, 2012

High 5 FrIDaY

F R I D A Y - my # 1 favorite day of the work week and today extra fav because I am only working half of this day - which brings me to my very first high 5 and I am linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk

*I am going to the brand spanking new Guitar Center that just went in  and getting a brand new black Martin excited. We actually tried to go last night - it opened for the first time at 7 p.m. - but it was insane! We got there 40 minutes early and there were literally hundreds - maybe even 1000 - lined up outside the door - the parking lot was crazy. There were people sitting in folding chairs - sitting on the sidewalk  - videos rolling every where - you would have thought someone famous was inside for every one to see. They did have a band there - but no one I had ever heard of.
Anyway - we would have been in line for hours because there is no way they could let that many people in due to fire laws. So much for the free T-shirt I was looking forward to! I am going to get that guitar today, tho - and if my guitar is not there waiting on me - we will just drive right on down to Clear Lake and get it there - I have my 12% coupon ($85 off!) and I am bringing her home today!!

*I received a beautiful Scentsy warmer and 3 scented bars in the mail this week - I am about ready to do my review - the lady that asked me to do the review is also going to sponser a giveaway so I am pretty excited about that.

*I have my baby shower linky party up on my other blog - little disappointed that I am not getting as good as a response as I had hoped but it is up all month and part of June so hoping things will pick up. It is for a good cause so if you are reading this and haven't checked it out - I hope you will do so.
Baby Shower Linky Party Star of Hope
*My goal was to have 75 followers on this blog by the end of this month and thanks to you guys I have already surpassed that - now at 85 woohoooo!!! happy happy

*My guitar lessons are going great - Brad and I are having fun playing together now that he know about the"secret lessons"

I hope you have a HaPpY Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 85 followers. Growing a blog is hard work but progress is exciting. Have a great weekend.


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