Friday, July 13, 2012

5 Question Friday

Happy Friday 13th.

This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Not going to give in to superstition!
 Linking up with Five Crooked Halos

 1. What's your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?

NAY on sandals - feet are not pretty - and men's feet are generally even less pretty. Flip Flops are ok with the right clothing - but sandals (especially with socks - UGH)

2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?

Alien by Katy Perry - it is kind of catchy - but the words are kind of silly

3. What summer camp should they make for moms? 

Camp GimmeABreak - all mom's need a break every now and then.

4. What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song...)

Amazed by Lonestar

5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?

Yep - and it is too embarrassing to put in black and white. 


  1. Amazed by Lonestar wsa our wedding song! Loved that one.

    New follower for you!

  2. almost put Amazed for my fav romantic song too! great choice.
    gonna join up as a follower :)

  3. I found your blog through the link as well.

  4. Alien is super catchy! I find myself singing along and you are right the lyrics are ridiculous :)

  5. I don't think I have ever heard Amazed, so I am going to listen to it on Youtube right now! Great 5FQ...


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